Northern Rhodesian Photographs from the 1958 Handbook to the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland

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The Blue Lagoon on the Kafue River

Zambezi floods coming up at Mongu

Miners leaving the cage at the end of a shift on Roan Antelope Copper Mines

Lumangwe Falls near Mporokoso

Scottish dancing on the Copperbelt

Paramount Chief Sir Mwanawina III of Barotseland

Chief Shinde of the Lunda

Lozi women dancers

Copperbelt dancers

Bangweulu swamp dwellers

Likishi dancers, Balovale

Reaping wheat on Kafue Polder

The Big Tree, Entandrophragma Delevoyi (Brown Mahogany) on road between Luanshya and Ndola

A fishing jetty at Mpulungu, Lake Tanganyika, showing Ndegaa (sardine type fish) drying in the foreground

SS Liemba at Mpulungu, Lake Tanganyika

The Victoria Falls Bridge

The Nalikwanda, the Royal barge of the Paramount Chief of Barotseland

Kariba power entering a power station

Kariba Dam on the Zambezi

Labourers from the Rand Gold Mines returning home up the Zambezi

Chishimba Falls, source of hydro electric power for Kasama

Cairo Road, Lusaka

Cecil Avenue, Ndola

Chilanga Cement Factory

Zambezi Sawmills, Livingstone

New style, old style mine headgears at Mindola

Nkana Mine

Broken Hill lead and zinc mine

Underground stoping, Mufulira Mine

Copper refinery at Ndola

Modern brewery, Ndola

Penstocks, Mulungushi Hydro Electric Scheme

Malarial control

Broken Hill Hospital

Llewellin Hospital, Kitwe

Llewellin High School, Ndola

Hodgson Technical College, Lusaka

Learning the care of babies at a development centre

The Rhodes-Livingstone Museum, Livingstone

Methodist Church, Lusaka

The Secretariat, Lusaka

High Court, Lusaka

Northern Rhodesia Police

Lusaka Municipal Council in Session

Kitwe Civic Centre

A District Commissioner on tour

Hippo in the Luangwa River

Samfya, Lake Bangweulu

Livingstone Memorial at Old Chitambo where David Livingstone died

Ruined church, Niamkolo, Mpulungu

Ridgeway Hotel, Lusaka

Kundalila Falls

Big game hunting in the Luangwa Valley

Kasaba Bay, Lake Tanganyika

Barotse Kuta in session

The Zambezi River breaking into a coffer dam at Kariba, 1958

Meshi-Teshi Gap on the Kafue. A future dam site.

On Lake Mweru

Kalambo Falls, Abercorn

Colour Party, Northern Rhodesia Regiment In fact, this is inaccurate. Tim Lovering has told me that the soldiers are from one of the King's African Rifles battalions from Nyasaland. Tim is writing a PH.D on Malawian soldiers in the KAR.

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